Unplanned nite ride with the Air Asia boys.... Ride from Keramat to Central Market Kuala Lumpur. At Central Market we join a few hundred more cyclist cycling around KL. Group consist of fixie, road bike, MTB, folding, touring, tandem, BMX and hybrid. This nite, bicycle is king of the road.My Son Addinnul Aiman joining ther fun. Ainuddin not in picture. Bro Dzul leader of our group. Some group photo.
It been 1 year for Proton Exora. Picture of the event at COE Proton Shah Alam follow by GBR Port Dickson, NS.Picture of my Sons posing with a Lotus. The four guys got that lost.... minus me..... full of drama.... but we all made it in one piece. My mean machine.... Proton Exora EOCM-095 about 120 Exora made the trip to PD. Golden Beach Resort, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. Dinner at GBR.... Family portrait.. guess what I won 2 prizes for the luck draw...